Po-Eun performed by World Champ
Po-Eun Tul performed by Miss Roisin Giles
This video shows triple World Champion Roisin Giles performing the first dan pattern Po-Eun.
This video shows triple World Champion Roisin Giles performing the first dan pattern Po-Eun.
This video shows triple World Champion Roisin Giles performing the first dan pattern Ge-Baek.
This video shows triple World Champion Roisin Giles performing the first dan pattern Kwang-Gae.
Dan-Gun Tul is the pattern required at yellow belt level. This video features yellow belt Rebecca Chitty alongside ITF Patterns World Champion Miss Melissa Timperley, coached by Master Paul McPhail.
Although this level of critiquing may not be necessary at yellow belt level, it is hoped this video provides helpful tips to improve performance at any level. Some of the points raised by Master McPhail in the video are:
Correct intermediate positions for knifehand guarding block, twin forearm block and knifehand side strike
Correct finished heights and hand positions on various movements
Avoiding turning the fist before the end of the punch
Performing the pattern is Miss Rebeca Chitty, a yellow belt from Paul M Taekwon-Do in Auckland, New Zealand. Performing alongside her is Miss Melissa Timperley, ITF 3rd dan Patterns gold medallist in 2013 from Auckland New Zealand. The video begins with Rebecca performing the pattern alone, followed by an analysis of her pattern compared to Melissa. Then Melissa performs the pattern at the end of the video.
iam Reynolds performing the pattern alone, and then alongside Miss Melissa Timperley.
It is not the intention of these videos to be unnecessarily critical, but more to teach a level of detail that may not be covered in a normal training session. By the use of slow motion we can highlight errors and offer suggestions for improvement.
Some of the points raised by Master McPhail in the video are:
Timing of intermediate positions, which Liam does well
Correct heights of movements and getting the intermediate positions starting from the correct line of the body
Achieving a backward motion on the reverse punch
Correct pivoting of the foot on spot turning and for the releasing technique
Keeping the hands up at eye level after the front snap kick and kicking to solar plexus height
Making sure the hands face the correct way for all intermediate positions.
Performing the pattern is Liam Reynolds, a blue belt from Paul M Taekwon-Do in Auckland, New Zealand. Performing alongside him is Miss Melissa Timperley, ITF 3rd dan Patterns silver medalist at the 2015 ITF World Championships and gold medallist in 2013. Melissa performs the pattern at the end of the video.
Movement Relaxation with World Champion Mira Sjövall
Miss Mira Sjövall is a ITF Taekwon-Do World Champion in patterns. Her powerful yet relaxed style is something to behold, and obviously in favour with the judges.
Mira is the student of Master Thierry Meyour, 7th dan from Finland. Master Meyour has always made good use of sport science and other disciplines to assist in his Taekwon-Do coaching and instructing, with a particular interest in thinking “outside the box”. This led him to experimenting with Alexander technique and other methods used by dancers and other athletes.
Master Meyour and his team of enthusiastic instructors and practitioners are always pushing the boundary of knowledge, and Mira is a good example of some of the amazing results they have achieved. Of course much of it is Mira’s hard work herself – as with any world champion, it is the hours and hours of repetition we don’t get to see that makes the difference.
This video was filmed as a part of the ITF Patterns Unleashed series of on-line courses. We are proud to be partnering with ITF Patterns Unleashed and have some new projects planned for the near future.
Mira Sjövall – Finland
World Champion 2019 (2nd dan patterns)
European Champion 2019 (2nd dan patterns)
European Champion 2018 (1st dan patterns)
World Champion 2017 (1st dan patterns)
European Cup gold 2018 (2nd dan patterns)
Double European Champion 2016 (1st dan patterns and sparring)
We apologise for the quality of the video, as this was recorded from an on-line Zoom seminar. We are working on improving the quality in the fut
Click CC (on video above) to see sub-titles in Finnish, Portuguese and Polish.
This video of Mr Mark Trotter coaching Miss Niketa Wells on Chon-Ji Tul is ideal for both beginner and senior members alike. Even a simple pattern contains many key lessons and Mr Trotter picks up on many of these in this session including:
Not holding the intermediate position for too long
Preparing the foot correctly before turning
Creating urgency in the movements especially when punching
Keeping the position of the attacking and blocking tools held correctly
Not over-doing the forward motion of the punching hand
Performing the pattern is Miss Niketa Wells, New Zealand Junior Team member and former World Cup Champion. You can read about Niketa’s incredible recovery from a crippling disease here.
Este video do Sabum Nim Mark Trotter instruindo à senhorita Niketa Wells sobre Chon-Ji Tul, é ideal tanto para iniciantes quanto para membros sêniors. Mesmo um Tul simples possui muitos elementos chaves, e o Sabum Nim Mark Trotter trabalha vários destes pontos nesta sessão, dentre eles:
Manter o “timming” certo nas posições intermediárias
Preparar o pé corretamente antes dos giros
Acelerar devidamente durante os movimentos, especialmente ao atacar
A boa colocação das armas de ataque e defesa
Controlar o movimento de pêndulo da mão que ataca
Quem executa o tul é a senhorita Niketa Wells, membro da equipe junior da Nova Zelândia e campeã da Copa do Mundo. Você pode ler mais sobre a incrível recuperação de Niketa de uma rara doença neurológica (SDCR)
Tässä videossa Mark Trotter valmentaa Niketa Wellsiä Chon-Ji-liikearjan parissa. Video sopii erinomaisesti sekä aloittelijoille että kokeneemmille harrastajille. Jopa yksinkertaisesta liikesarjasta voi oppia paljon, ja herra Trotter käsittelee tässä muun muassa seuraavia asioita:
Tasapainotukseen ei saa jäädä liian pitkäksi aikaa
Jalan valmistelu käännöstä varten
Liikkeiden kiireellisyys, erityisesti lyönneissä
Hyökkäys- ja torjuntatyökalujen oikeat asemoinnit
Lyövän käden tasapainotus
Liikesarjan suorittaa neiti Niketa Wells, Uuden-Seelannin juniorimaajoukkueen edustaja ja World Cup 2014 -kultamitalisti. Voit lukea Niketan uskomattomasta palautumisesta lamauttavan sairauden jälkeen täältä (englanniksi).
W tym filmie Mark Trotter uczy Chon-Ji Tul. To wideo nadaje się zarówno dla początkujących, jak i dla starszych stopni. Nawet prosty układ zawiera wiele ważnych elementów i Mark Trotter omawia wiele z nich podczas tego treningu.
В этом фильме Марк Троттер учит Чон-джи Туль. Это видео подходит как для начинающих, так и для старших поясов. Даже простой туль содержит много важных элементов, и Марк Троттер обсуждает многие из них во время этой тренировки.