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Snippets of amazing old footage
DON’T FORGET TO WATCH No. 10 – Paul McPhail performs Juche forwards and backwards
For my 5th degree black belt grading in 1993 I thought it would be a cool idea to perform Juche Tul forwards then backwards for General Choi.
The plan failed miserably as I started the backwards part… I hadn’t even considered the possibility that General Choi would take offence to it. He turned his head and refused to watch. I figured… well… I may as well carry on now and struggled through to the end.
I passed the grading so I guess the General had forgiven me by the day the results were announced.
Here is the footage of the pattern at the grading.
Inside Kiwi-Sport
Kiwisport is a program from Sport New Zealand aiming to promote sport for school-aged children. Master McPhail, acting as the Kiwisport Coordinator, devised a programme aimed at introducing Taekwon-Do to kids in a fun way.
Kubz Instructors Course for Members
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Master Byrne Interviews
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