Kiwisport is a program from Sport New Zealand aiming to promote sport for school-aged children. Master McPhail, acting as the Kiwisport Coordinator, devised a programme aimed at introducing Taekwon-Do to kids in a fun way. This includes the active sport side, as well as the martial arts discipline and culture. A number of schools initially took up the programme and now the results are beyond expectations. Over a thousand kids are now taking part each year, it has spread to secondary schools, and a number of our instructors are able to be instructors full time because of it. Lianna McCartney, Instructor at Zeal Taekwon-Do Otahuhu, has been at one of the schools and kindly told us how things were going:
The classes run for 45 minutes, giving a brief introduction to a lot of different aspects of Taekwon-Do. They have been learning some of the Korean terminology, and core values (or “Tenets”) of Taekwon-Do
From there they work on technical skills, self-defence, and punching and kicking pads.
As you can see from the Redoubt School newsletter, the kids are really enjoying the classes and eagerly await each lesson.
There has been a lot of interest from students and teachers who have been given a taste of Taekwon-Do, and want to find out more. For them, there are lots of local clubs to visit, try an introductory lesson, and join up. For International Taekwon-Do and Sport New Zealand, this has been the perfect launch to a fun, interesting school sports programme.