Quick Tips for Sparring 8

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The worst thing about sparring

… is getting hit, that’s why people don’t like sparring.

Practice with control – just touch. Build trust with your sparring partner

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Relaxation : the key to power and performance

Spend any amount of time in a dojang  and you will see some guy (and it is more often than not a guy) whose moves look, well, clunky. They have a tense stiffness about them, a forced attempt to generate power. Trust me I know I was that guy (and still am on occasions).

Instructors faced with the clunky guy almost invariably say “try to relax”. Of course as soon as anyone tells you to relax you are likely to find yourself completely unable to do so, in fact, you are likely to actually stiffen up more. Akin to the experience of being told not to think of a pink elephant, the first thing that pops into your mind is a pink elephant.

Snippets of amazing old footage

DON’T FORGET TO WATCH No. 10 – Paul McPhail performs Juche forwards and backwards

For my 5th degree black belt grading in 1993 I thought it would be a cool idea to perform Juche Tul forwards then backwards for General Choi.

The plan failed miserably as I started the backwards part… I hadn’t even considered the possibility that General Choi would take offence to it. He turned his head and refused to watch. I figured… well… I may as well carry on now and struggled through to the end.

I passed the grading so I guess the General had forgiven me by the day the results were announced.

Here is the footage of the pattern at the grading.

Quick Tips for Sparring 7

They are giving their body to you

A saying Mr Trotter really likes, is that your sparring partner is giving their body to you – so respect it.

Train hard, but with control. If you do that your partner will do the same, and you can learn together injury-free.

Quick Tips for Sparring 3

He’s trying to push me

If you don’t retract your kick as fast as possible you run the risk of your opponent gaining control of your leg as demonstrated here. The aim is to get the kick back down to the ground as quickly as possible, as we are more venerable with one foot in the air.

Quick Tips for Sparring 11

High – Low

The simple two punch combination is taken to a new level by applying the footwork learnt in previous drills. The high punch doesn’t hit; but is used to gain distance ready for a devastating second punch.