Knife Self Defence Clip
Get Master Eccles’s take on knife self-defence presented at the Stripes 1 to 1 seminar in New Zealand, late 2022.
Get Master Eccles’s take on knife self-defence presented at the Stripes 1 to 1 seminar in New Zealand, late 2022.
Get Master Eccles’s take on knife self-defence presented at the Stripes 1 to 1 seminar in New Zealand, late 2022.
DON’T FORGET TO WATCH No. 10 – Paul McPhail performs Juche forwards and backwards
For my 5th degree black belt grading in 1993 I thought it would be a cool idea to perform Juche Tul forwards then backwards for General Choi.
The plan failed miserably as I started the backwards part… I hadn’t even considered the possibility that General Choi would take offence to it. He turned his head and refused to watch. I figured… well… I may as well carry on now and struggled through to the end.
I passed the grading so I guess the General had forgiven me by the day the results were announced.
Here is the footage of the pattern at the grading.
For the 1st to 2nd dan grading we have Ground Self Defence as the syllabus requirement, and this video shows the course where Mr Thompson introduced this to our instructors
This video technology enables students to compare themselves to experts side by side so that they can see how to improve in visual detail.
The full video gives this kind of analysis so you can see the differences in technique and timing. Even if you are not Riana, you can still get tremendous benefit by comparing someone to an extremely skilled athlete at the same time.
These lessons were created for my own clubs while we were closed due to the Covid19.
This seminar was run specifically for Taekwon-Do Instructors so that they could get a better understanding of how self-defence fits into the TKD environment. This video is an excellent resource for instructors and students alike.
Mr Phil Thompson is New Zealand’s leading expert on self defence and violence prevention. With over 20 years experience, he has trained thousands of people from every walk of life from corporate teams of all sizes, CEO’s and celebrities, students to police officers.